Saat Pena Beraksi, Korupsi Tereduksi

My certificate ^^
Alhamdulillahirabbilalaamiin, my essay is awarded as 3rd Winner of Essay Competition held by BEM FBS UNJ. It was  about reducing corruption. Have a nice reading ^_^

TechnoInfoEdu, Sahabat Baik Bagi Guru dan Siswa Masa Kini

TechnoInfoEdu, Sahabat Baik Bagi Guru dan Siswa Masa Kini
Oleh : Evi Syahida (FMIPA UNJ)

Teknologi dan informasi. Dua buah kata yang tak lagi asing. Definisi teknologi menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (1990 : 1158), teknologi adalah keseluruhan sarana untuk menyediakan barang- barang yang diperlukan bagi kelangsungan dan kenyamanan hidup manusia ( Sedangkan informasi adalah pemberitahuan, kabar atau berita tentang sesuatu. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi informasi adalah sarana untuk memudahkan manusia dalam mencari dan mendapatkan informasi. Jadi, teknologi informasi itu teman atau musuh ya?

MUN Simulation 2013 by US Embassy & ISAFIS

the Committee Session is supported by @america high-tech facilities (photo courtesy of Indah Gilang)

Hello, readers! Back with me. Now i'll share my new experience. Oh yes, since the event was in English so let me tell you in English. But dont worry, there are some parts in Bahasa, in the main story.

I know a news about MUN Simulation held in @america by ISAFIS and US Embassy Jakarta. MUN is a short term of Model United Nations, a simulation held by United Nations (PBB) for young people. I registered myself and three days after that the committee selected me to be delegate of Bulgaria!
FYI, in every countries, there are two delegates. In Bulgaria, i and my partner, Dina. Actually i did not know her before.
I am delegate of Bulgaria

By the selected me, it means that i have to get know more about energy in Bulgaria. You know, the announcement of the selected delegates was only 2 days before the day. Since the day before, i had some hectic agendas so i did not prepare anything yet. So did my partner, Dina.
I just prepared all in the night before. Oh my Allah, it was so hectic but fun!

Langkah Awal Perjalananku Meraih Mimpi Menjadi Da'iyah


Aku percaya Allah akan memeluk mimpi-mimpiku manakala aku yakin, selalu berikhtiar dan bertawakal. Seperti perjalanan kali ini, perjalananku meraih sebuah mimpi, untuk 'menantang' diriku. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..